Home   SOMA in Action   Week of January 18

Week of January 18

Here’s what SOMA’s up to this week!


January 24th: Worship Gathering and Fellowship Meal
We will be meeting at the regular time (11:15am) & place (the Berkshire) to share conversation, pray and sing together. Kathy Kinzer-Downs will be joining us this week.  After the service, we will share in a light fellowship meal.


Night of the Arts: In Honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. – Monday, January 18th
The public is invited to celebrate the life and legacy of Dr. King through a jazz reception by Elizabeth “Betty” Asche Douglas, theatrical presentations, musical performances, and original readings inspired by MLK. Dessert will be served. This free event will take place at 7:00pm in Skye Lounge, located in the Student Center at Geneva College.

Community Groups
Check with your group’s facilitator to see if you’re meeting this week.
If you’d like to get more info about our Community Groups, visit here.
If you’d like to be a part of a Community Group, get in touch by replying to this email.


Prep for 1401 6th Ave – Saturday, February 6
As we start preparing the new space at 1401 6th Ave, there will be several opportunities to jump in and help us make the transition. The first opportunity will be at 10:00am on Saturday, February 6 when we will be helping the members of First Christian Church move out their items that are currently in the church.  Please leave a comment below if you plan to come.

Jubilee Conference and Scholarships – February 9-21
The Jubilee Conference is coming up! Any college students who would like to attend can register online and find out more information at www.jubileeconference.com. We may be able to help with the cost of the conference; leave a comment below if you are interested in a scholarship.


What’s Ahead in 2016
There are many new things happening in 2016 for us! Check out what we are looking forward to doing. You can also pick up a copy from the back table at the Berkshire.

Volunteers needed for Building UP
The Carnegie Free Library of Beaver Falls and TRAILS Ministries are partnering together to bring science-based programs to kids in kindergarten through middle school. The program is called Building UP and they are in need of volunteers to help! The program runs on certain Tuesdays from 4:15-5:30pm. If interested, please contact Christine Kroger or leave a comment below.

Instrumentalists needed
If you play an instrument (guitar, keyboard, percussion, etc), the Music Team could really use you!! Please email us at info@thesomagathering.org if you are interested in sharing your gifts with the SOMA community.

Sharing Testimonies & Art
If you would like to take some time during our weekly gathering to share your testimony of how God has worked in your life, read a poem, or show some of your artwork, please let us know! You can email us at info@thesomagathering.org with what you’d like to share.


If you’ve got something to share with SOMA’s community by way of prayer request or a call for help from the body, let me know and I’ll put those here.

A prayer of Martin Luther King Jr:
Thou Eternal God, out of whose absolute power and infinite intelligence the whole universe has come into being, we humbly confess that we have not loved thee with our hearts, souls and minds, and we have not loved our neighbors as Christ loved us. We have all too often lived by our own selfish impulses rather than by the life of sacrificial love as revealed by Christ. We often give in order to receive. We love our friends and hate our enemies. We go the first mile but dare not travel the second. We forgive but dare not forget. And so as we look within ourselves, we are confronted with the appalling fact that the history of our lives is the history of an eternal revolt against you. But thou, O God, have mercy upon us. Forgive us for what we could have been but failed to be. Give us the intelligence to know your will. Give us the courage to do your will. Give us the devotion to love your will. In the name and spirit of Jesus, we pray. Amen.


You can contribute financially toward SOMA’s mission, either one-time or regularly, by clicking here. The same link can also be found at the bottom of our webpage @ www.thesomagathering.org.

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