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Naming the Space

As the anticipated date of opening the community space slowly moves closer, we want to continue to prep for its arrival. One of the important steps in this process is finding a new name for the building – and we want as much input on this process as possible!

A few things to keep in mind regarding the name:

This community space is multipurpose. – The building first and foremost is a community space housing many different things. We will host open hours for community members to have a place to do work and hang out, different types of classes, a Jobs for Life program, and other opportunities.  One of the many moving pieces is SOMA; another piece is a location for funeral home dinners, and other partnerships are on the way.

“SOMA” will still exist – both in name and as a congregation. We will continue to worship together in this new space and we are keeping this name, so don’t worry. However, housing this worshiping body will only be one of the several functions of the community space.

We want the name to communicate that it is a safe and meaningful space in the community. – We want people to feel welcome and like they belong in the building!

Now that you’ve got the guidelines, share your ideas! You can comment below or email info@thesomagathering.org. We are collecting all ideas submitted and will vote as a leadership team for the top few. These will then be made public for a vote on the final decision.

Naming not your thing? This Saturday is our second work day at the community space. We’ll meet at 1401 6th Ave at 10:00am to continue the process of moving items out of the church in preparation for us to move in. We will wrap up the day by early afternoon. If you are able to come out to help, please let us know in a comment or email!

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