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Naming the Space

We received 50+ name suggestions for the new space! Thanks for all of your creative ideas! We have narrowed those names down to the four below and would like your input to chose the final name. Remember that we are not renaming SOMA, but choosing the name for the building. Please vote for just one name and let us know your feedback in the next week. Each name below has a short explanation of the thought process behind it.

  1. The Commons – representing a space where anyone is welcome and holds equal value
  2. The Well – representing a place of refreshment as well as remembering the story of Jesus with the woman at the well.
  3. The Sanctuary – representing a place of safety as well as noting the history of building as a church
  4. The Bridge – representing a place of connection as well as noting that Beaver Falls is a river town.

No matter which name is chosen, it will include the tagline “A Community Gathering Place” to further explain what the building is.

You can vote by commenting below.


The pews currently located in the church building at 1401 6th Avenue are still for sale! Anyone who is interested in purchasing any can email info@thesomagathering.org. You will be responsible for picking up and transporting the pews you purchase. Proceeds will benefit the work of the space.

We will be holding work days April 2nd, 9th, 16th to do some painting and further cleaning in preparation for us to move in. All work days are on Saturdays from 9:00am – 1:00pm. More details about specific projects will follow as each date gets closer.

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