Home   SOMA in Action   Week of April 18

Week of April 18

Here’s what SOMA’s up to:


April 24th: Worship Gathering and Fellowship Meal
We will be meeting our regular time of 11:15am at our new regular location at 1401 6th Ave (The Well) to share conversation, pray and sing together. We will continue our “Why We Do What We Do” series, looking at part two of “why we go to church.” After the service, we will share in a light fellowship meal together.


Grant for the Community Garden – ends Monday, April 18
Our community garden is a candidate for a Seeds of Change grant and we need your help! To be considered for a $10,000 or $20,000 grant we need as many votes as we can get on the Seeds of Change grant program website. Click here to vote! There is no social media or registration requirement. You can vote once a day until April 18th.

Poverty, Inc Documentary – Tuesday, April 19
Geneva College will be showing the documentary Poverty, Inc on campus in the Science & Engineering Building (room 022) at 7:00pm. The documentary examines the rise of charity as a multibillion dollar poverty industry, looking at everything from social entrepreneurship to foreign aide. We are invited to attend!

Morning Prayer at The Well  – Wednesday, April 20
At 7:30am every Wednesday morning, we will be meeting for prayer and practicing community together. Stop by (1401 6th Ave, Beaver Falls) to join in!

Drop In Hours – starting Wednesday, April 20
The Well will be open for anyone in the community to come enjoy the space, use the wifi, have some coffee, etc. from 7:00am – 11:00am every Wednesday.

Cultures Collide – Friday, April 22
A night of celebration hosted by Geneva students for the campus and community, Cultures Collide features presentations from many different cultures. Enjoy a live soul and, for d’oeuvres from various cultures, dance, spoken word, and much more. Event starts at 7:00pm in Skye Lounge in the Student Center.

Staff Training for Open Hours – Saturday, April 23
For anyone who’s hoping to help volunteer-staff our Open Hours (which will begin as every Wednesday from 7am-11am), we’ll have a training on April 23rd from 11:30am-3:30pm, led by our friends at Uncommon Grounds. If you didn’t sign up but plan to come, please reply to this email.

Community Groups
Check with your group’s facilitator to see if you’re meeting this week.
If you’d like to get more info about our Community Groups, visit here.
If you’d like to be a part of a Community Group, get in touch by replying to this email.


City House Applications
City House, an off-campus housing option for Geneva students, is currently accepting applications. City House is a co-ed Christian community living space, focused on learning to being a good neighbor, offering home-cooked meals and a lower room-and-board rate. If interested, you can find the application here.

Volunteers needed for Building UP – started Tuesday, March 29
The Carnegie Free Library of Beaver Falls and TRAILS Ministries are partnering together to bring science-based programs to kids in kindergarten through middle school. The program is called Building UP and they are in need of volunteers to help! The next session starts Tuesday, March 29th from 4:00-5:30pm and continues weekly. If interested, please contact Christine Kroger (christine.kroger@mac.com or 724-513-3570) or reply to this email.


If you’ve got something to share with SOMA’s community by way of prayer request or a call for help from the body, let me know and I’ll put those here.

Robin would like pray for her grandchildren, Tiffani, Eugene, Amber, Candy, and Murtis to all know the Lord and walk with Him. She also would like us to pray for health for Dwenn and Jacky.

Betsy would like us to remember John & Gina, Jim & his family, Jackie and her family, Mason, Logan, and Jennifer. Pray also for Chris who shattered his pelvis.

Please pray for peace for the Henderson’s who are grieving the loss of their mom Ginny.


You can contribute financially toward SOMA’s mission, either one-time or regularly, by clicking here. The same link can also be found at the bottom of our webpage @ www.thesomagathering.org.

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