Week of May 2
Here’s what SOMA’s up to:
May 8th: Worship Gathering and Potluck Lunch
We will be meeting our regular time of 11:15am at our new regular location at 1401 6th Ave (The Well) to share conversation, pray and sing together. Mark Ongley will be preaching this Sunday on “Grieving our Betrayals.” We will be sharing communion together on May 22nd this month instead of this week. After the service, we will share in our monthly potluck lunch so please bring a dish to share if you are able!
March SOMA giving: $2,803
Monthly SOMA giving budgeted: $4,333
Difference: -$1,530
YTD SOMA giving: $9,536
YTP SOMA giving budgeted: $13,000
Difference: -$3,464
You can contribute financially toward SOMA’s mission, either one-time or regularly, by clicking here.
Morning Prayer at The Well – Wednesday, May 4
At 7:30am every Wednesday morning, we will be meeting for prayer and practicing community together. Stop by (1401 6th Ave, Beaver Falls) to join in!
Drop In Hours – Wednesday, May 4
The Well will be open for anyone in the community to come enjoy the space, use the wifi, have some coffee, etc. from 7:00am – 11:00am every Wednesday.
Friday Night at the Red House – Friday, May 6
Beaver Valley Christian Fellowship is hosting a coffeehouse event on the first Friday of every month at 7:00pm. The event will take place at The Red House, located at 903 8th Ave, Beaver Falls. Check out their website for more info: http://theredhouseministry.com
Community Groups
Check with your group’s facilitator to see if you’re meeting this week.
If you’d like to get more info about our Community Groups, visit here.
If you’d like to be a part of a Community Group, get in touch by replying to this email.
Orientation for Staff of The Well – May 15
On Sunday, May 15th we will be having an orientation for those who wish to volunteer staff The Well during our Wednesday open hours. We’ll cover the practical details you’ll need to know and go over some space guidelines. Orientation starts at 9:45am; please let Dave daveslebodnik@gmail.com) know if you are able to attend!
Wine Tasting & Fundraiser – May 27
Brie Kovacs is putting together a fundraise for ur Space in-Between plot! Come enjoy wine and chocolate pairings, live music, and an auction on May 27th from 6:00-9:00pm at Nectar Valley (located in Chippewa). Tickets are $35 (includes two drink tickets) and will be sold at The Well. For more information or to order tickets, contact Brie at briannekovacs@gmail.com or 724-683-6662.
Block Party & Poetry Slam – June 7
We are partnering with TRAILS to celebrate our new location with a block party for our new neighbors! We want to have food, a poetry slam, a bounce house, and other things for kids to do, but we’ll need plenty of help. Here’s how you can get involved:
- Kid’s Activities – we need people to plan and/or volunteer to help out with things like face painting, games, etc.
- Set up and tear down on the day of the event
- Food Prep – this includes people willing to be stationed at the grills, but also people who are willing to bring side dishes and desserts.
- Poetry Slam – share your poems by doing spoken word or reading them!
If you are interested in getting involved with any of these areas, please reply to this email.
SOMA’s Discipleship Process
Throughout the month of May, we’d love to have your feedback and input on the third step of our discipleship process. You can find all the details in this document.
Volunteers needed for Building UP – started Tuesday, March 29
The Carnegie Free Library of Beaver Falls and TRAILS Ministries are partnering together to bring science-based programs to kids in kindergarten through middle school. The program is called Building UP and they are in need of volunteers to help! The next session starts Tuesday, March 29th from 4:00-5:30pm and continues weekly. If interested, please contact Christine Kroger (christine.kroger@mac.com or 724-513-3570) or reply to this email.
If you’ve got something to share with SOMA’s community by way of prayer request or a call for help from the body, let me know and I’ll put those here.
Robin would like prayer for Gary Pugh, that he would be a good father and husband, and for Tiffani’s relationship with her mother.
You can contribute financially toward SOMA’s mission, either one-time or regularly, by clicking here. The same link can also be found at the bottom of our webpage @ www.thesomagathering.org.