Home   SOMA in Action   Week of February 27

Week of February 27

Here’s what SOMA’s up to:


March 5th: Worship Gathering, Children’s Environment, and Fellowship Meal
We will meet at our regular time of 11:15am at The Well (1401 6th Ave) to share conversation, pray and sing together. We will continue our series on the Beatitudes, focusing on “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness”. Children’s Environment will be available for kids in kindergarten through 5h grade. After the service, we will have a light fellowship meal.

10:00am – Christian Community Development class – Week 6 (last)

We are holding a 6-week Sunday morning class on the principles of Christian Community Development.  God has used CCD to shape SOMA’s culture for the last 5 years, and this is a chance to learn about it in more detail.  We’ll meet at 10am in the basement, no sign up needed.  Visit www.ccda.org to learn more about the Christian Community Development Association.
Drop In Hours – Wednesday, March 1st
The Well will be open for anyone in the community to come enjoy the space, use the wifi, and have some coffee from 7:00am – 10:00am every Wednesday.
Men’s Night – Wednesday, March 1st
Every Wednesday @ 6:30pm at The Well will be a Men’s Night for SOMA guys to meet, hang out, and encourage each other.
Ash Wednesday Service – Wednesday, March 1st
The Ash Wednesday service will be held at First Presbyterian Church in Beaver Falls at 7pm. 
Women’s Movement Group – Thursday, March 2nd
All women are welcome to join in this movement group, whether you love to dance or it makes you nervous. Pay what makes you happy (suggested $5/class). We’ll meet at The Well from 7:00pm – 8:00pm.
Drop In Hours – Friday, March 3rd
Join in our Friday open hours at The Well! Anyone is welcome to come use the space from 10:00am – 1:00pm.
Casting Crowns Concert – Saturday, March 4th
The Center for Student Engagement at Geneva is selling discounted tickets to the Casting Crowns concert. The concert is this Saturday, March 4th, at 7:00pm at PPG Paints Arena in downtown Pittsburgh. Each $15 ticket (normally $47) also comes with a free Geneva scarf. Email cse@geneva.edu if you’re interested.
Geneva Spring Break: March 3rd – 13th
Provide a Meal for Kropf Family & Patterson Family- next two weeks
Three of our SOMA families could use some extra love & support! If you would like to help either (or both!) families by providing a meal in the coming weeks, please sign up for a day by following the links below:
Louis & Darian Kropf:
Tyler & Maci Patterson:
The Meal Train provides all the details you need to know about preferences and where/when to drop a meal off.
Provide a Meal for Jobs for Life
We are in need of people to provide a small meal on Thursdays evenings at 6pm for the Jobs for Life class. The course runs for 7 more weeks. If you are willing to provide food, please contact Akil at akilchaney@gmail.com or Dave at daveslebodnik@gmail.com 
Sunday Conversation: SOMA’s Diversity – March 5
For the month of March, SOMA’s Sunday Conversation will be on March 5th, and we’ll be discussing SOMA’s diversity: where are we strong and where do we need to grow?  6:30pm at the Well.
SITG Fundraiser – March 25th
Standing in the Gap, a ministry working with women in prostitution & trafficking in Beaver Falls, will be hosting a fundraiser on Saturday, March 25th.  Fliers for the event are at The Well.
Fellowship Meal Cleanup
We are asking for volunteers to help with the cleanup following our weekly fellowship meals.  Anyone interested in helping once a month can contact Robin Fisher at rfisher3633@comcast.net, or sign up on the SOMA table at The Well.
Open Hours Volunteers Needed
We are looking for some more volunteer staff for Open Hours at The Well. Contact Dave (daveslebodnik@gmail.com) if you are available to lend your time on Wednesday or Friday mornings once a month. 
We are recording our Sunday messages once again! You can listen to them here. That same link can also be found at the bottom of our website. 
For this season of Lent, there is a free Lenten devotional offered online at: https://www.redeemer.com/learn/resources_by_topic/lenten_devotionals/

If you’ve got something to share with SOMA’s community by way of prayer request or a call for help from the body, let me know and I’ll put those here.

Baby Evelyn
Darian & Louis Kropf welcomed baby girl Evelyn into the world on February 10th! Join them in praising God for his gifts and praying for healing for Darian. Update: The Kropfs have officially returned to their own home and are able to start receiving meals. 
If you’d like to provide a meal for them, follow this link: https://mealtrain.com/dmw14l
Baby Kai
Maci & Tyler Patterson added baby boy Kia to their family on February 14th! They are now home and doing well. Let’s thank God together for this gift of new life and pray for their family as well as for Maci’s continued healing. 
If you’d like to provide a meal for them, please follow this link: https://mealtrain.com/4dwyq7


You can contribute financially toward SOMA’s mission, either one-time or regularly, by clicking here. The same link can also be found at the bottom of our webpage @ www.thesomagathering.org.

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