April 8th: Full Member Service – Worship Gathering, Communion, and Potluck Lunch
We will meet at our regular time of 11:15am at The Well (1401 6th Ave) to share conversation, pray, and sing together. This week is our anticipated Full Member Service where SOMA will be received as a full member church in the EPC. We will accept our Mission Partners as well as hold two baptisms. We’ll celebrate by looking at Acts 4:32-35 and we will share in communion together.
It’s Potluck Sunday! As we may have a larger crowd this Sunday, please bring a dish to share with at least 6-8 people if you are able so that we can all eat together!
9:30am College Student Breakfast at the Slebodnik’s
Breakfast and catching up at 9:30am at the Slebodnik house for all college students! Check the Facebook page for more details.
Budget Update
February SOMA giving: $4,668
Budgeted monthly SOMA giving: $5,083
Difference: -$415
Year-to-date SOMA giving: $10,352
Budgeted year-to-date SOMA giving: $10,166
Difference: +186