Garden Night Update
Now that we’re into the Fall, community garden work days are no longer weekly. To stay up to date on the next volunteer opportunity, visit the garden’s facebook page.
Volunteer Training for Open Hours – Friday, October 19
Anyone interested in volunteering for our Open Hours that we hold weekly on Fridays is encouraged to come to The Well on Friday, October 19 from 9-10am for a brief training.
Discovering our Gifts – Saturday, October 20th
God has gifted each member of the body, and we want to encourage one another to discover and share those gifts! We’ll be hosting a one-day seminar at the Well from 9am-2pm, facilitated by Monica Monismith (our counselor at The Well). To learn more or to sign up for this time, you can reply to this email.
Sunday morning class on the Incarnation
What does it mean that Jesus is God in the flesh? We’ll explore the history of this doctrine, its biblical origins, and what it means for us today. Childcare will be available. Meeting in the Well basement Sundays @ 10am beginning Oct 21st.
Donations for Good News Club
Many area churches partner with the Good News club to help provide snacks for the Wednesday and Thursday after school program. SOMA has volunteered to provide snacks for October 24 & 25. They ask that we provide 1 case of water, 100-120 individual pieces of wrapped candy for student prizes and 100 bags of chips, pretzels, goldfish, etc. This is a great way to help support an ongoing local ministry that takes place at our elementary school. Thanks for being a part!
Hey Fam! Night – Wednesday, November 7th
A time for our church family to have some fun together. For kids and adults, we’ll play nerf wars, board games, and eat some pizza. 6pm at The Well. |