Our Rhythm
“The Lord God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.”
As a Christian community, we believe that it’s the Spirit of God who gives life. Our missional heart means that we desire to live as Jesus’ body and breathe God’s life into the world – to be heralds of the good news that in Jesus, God reigns. We remember that we don’t draw our energy from ourselves – it’s God who breathes into us the Spirit of Jesus Christ, and through us shares his life with the world.
– Genesis 2:7
Worship Gatherings
We celebrate that God has breathed His Spirit into us through our experiences of collective worship: praying, singing to God, sharing the Sacraments, and getting into the Scriptures together. These worship gatherings take places every Sunday at 11:15am. We hope you’ll experience these times as casual, meaningful, participatory, and all about Jesus. You can hear messages from past gatherings by clicking here.
Fellowship Meals
Scripture speaks to the power of the shared meal in the life of God’s community – see Israel remembering their freedom (Exodus 12), Jesus & his followers in the Upper Room (all four gospels), and the early Church (Acts 2:37-47). We want to tie into that same fellowship with God and with each other. We share these meals every week immediately after our worship gatherings.
Community Outreach
We’re committed to living beyond ourselves and sharing God’s love with our neighboring community in real ways – this is one way we can be a demonstration of the good news of God’s Kingdom. We try to listen well to our city and take our lead from the Holy Spirit. On a given week we’ll find folks helping to restore storefront property on the main street, supporting a local business/organization downtown, working on a community garden, displaying art throughout the city, volunteering at the local homeless shelter, partnering with another church’s service project, partying – whatever ways we can use the life God has given use to share life with others, and so experience Jesus in a fresh way ourselves.