Week of October 8
WORSHIP GATHERING October 14: Worship Gathering & Potluck Lunch We will meet at our regular time of 11:15am at The Well (1401 6th Ave) to share conversation, pray, and sing together. Our preaching associate Kathy Kinzer Downs will be preaching this week. After the worship gathering we will share in our monthly potluck lunch. Please bring a dish to share with 6-8 others if you are able! Budget Update September SOMA giving: $9,431 Budgeted
Week of July 16
WORSHIP GATHERING July 22nd: Worship Gathering, Communion, and Fellowship Meal We will meet at our regular time of 11:15am at The Well (1401 6th Ave) to share conversation, pray, and sing together. Pastor Marc will be preaching this week from Psalm 23 and we will share in communion together. After the worship gathering, we will have a light fellowship meal. Farmers Market – Mondays Every Monday from 3:30-6:30pm in the Municipal Parking Lot at 8th
Week of July 9
WORSHIP GATHERING July 15th: Worship Gathering, Communion, and Fellowship Meal We will meet at our regular time of 11:15am at The Well (1401 6th Ave) to share conversation, pray, and sing together. Pastor Marc will be preaching this week from Mark 6 and we will share in communion together. After the worship gathering, we will have a light fellowship meal. Farmers Market – Mondays Every Monday from 3:30-6:30pm in the Municipal Parking Lot at
Week of July 2
WORSHIP GATHERING July 8th: Worship Gathering, Communion, and Potluck Lunch We will meet at our regular time of 11:15am at The Well (1401 6th Ave) to share conversation, pray, and sing together. Past Marc will be preaching this week from 2 Corinthians 12 and we will share in communion together. After the worship gathering, we will share in our monthly potluck lunch so please bring a dish to share with 6-8 people
Week of June 25
WORSHIP GATHERING July 1st: Worship Gathering, Communion, Children’s Environment, and Fellowship Meal We will meet at our regular time of 11:15am at The Well (1401 6th Ave) to share conversation, pray, and sing together. Past Marc will be preaching this week from Psalm 130 and we will share in communion together. Children’s Environment will be available for kids in kindergarten through 5th grade. After the worship gathering, we will share in
Week of June 18
WORSHIP GATHERING June 24th: Worship Gathering, Communion, and Fellowship Meal We will meet at our regular time of 11:15am at The Well (1401 6th Ave) to share conversation, pray, and sing together. Our preaching associate Kathy Kinzer-Downs will be preaching this week and we will share in communion together. After the worship gathering, we will share in a light fellowship meal. Budget Update May SOMA giving: $4,712 Budgeted monthly SOMA giving: $5,083 Difference: -$371 Year-to-date SOMA giving: $25,549 Budgeted
Week of June 11
WORSHIP GATHERING June 17th: Worship Gathering, Communion, and Potluck Lunch We will meet at our regular time of 11:15am at The Well (1401 6th Ave) to share conversation, pray, and sing together. Pastor Marc will be preaching this week and we will share in communion together. After the worship gathering, we will share in a light fellowship meal. Note: We are on our summer schedule with Children’s Environment which means that it will just
Week of June 4
WORSHIP GATHERING June 10th: Worship Gathering, Communion, and Potluck Lunch We will meet at our regular time of 11:15am at The Well (1401 6th Ave) to share conversation, pray, and sing together. Pastor Marc will be preaching this week from 2 Corinthians 4 and we will share in communion together. After the worship gathering, we will have our monthly potluck lunch – please bring a dish to share with 6-7 people if you are able.
Week of May 29
WORSHIP GATHERING June 3rd: Worship Gathering, Communion, Children’s Environment, and Fellowship Meal We will meet at our regular time of 11:15am at The Well (1401 6th Ave) to share conversation, pray, and sing together. Pastor Marc will be preaching this week from Mark 2-3 and we will share in communion together. Children’s Environment will be available for kids in kindergarten through 5th grade. After the worship gathering, we will have a light fellowship meal. 6:30pm SOMA