March 2016
Vote for your Favorite Name for our New Space
The deadline to vote is Sunday, April 3rd! We received 50+ name suggestions for the new space! Thanks for all of your creative ideas! We have narrowed those names down to the four below and would like your input to chose the final name. Remember that we are not renaming SOMA, but choosing the name for the building. Please vote for just one name and let us
Week of March 28
Here’s what SOMA’s up to: WORSHIP GATHERING April 3rd: Worship Gathering, Children’s Environment, and Fellowship Meal We will be meeting at the regular time (11:15am) & place (the Berkshire) to share conversation, pray and sing together. We will be jumping back into our “Why We Do What We Do” series with Zack Harvey. Children’s Environment will be available for kids in kindergarten through 5th grade. After the service, we will
Naming the Space
We received 50+ name suggestions for the new space! Thanks for all of your creative ideas! We have narrowed those names down to the four below and would like your input to chose the final name. Remember that we are not renaming SOMA, but choosing the name for the building. Please vote for just one name and let us know your feedback in the next week. Each name below has
Week of March 21
Here’s what SOMA’s up to: WORSHIP GATHERING March 27th: Easter Sunday – Worship Gathering and Fellowship Meal We will be meeting at the regular time (11:15am) & place (the Berkshire) to share conversation, pray and sing together as we celebrate Easter Sunday. After the service, we will share in a light fellowship meal. GIVING UPDATE SOMA giving in February: $3,713 SOMA giving needed each month: $4,333 SOMA giving year-to-date: $6,733
Upcoming Work Days
We will be having several work days in the coming weeks to keep us moving on our April 17th timeline! Specifically we are looking at April 2nd, 9th, 16th to do some painting and further cleaning. All dates are Saturdays and will involve a few hours of work in the morning into early afternoon. More details about specific projects will follow as each date gets closer. We
Week of March 14
Here’s what SOMA’s up to: WORSHIP GATHERING March 20th: Worship Gathering, Children’s Environment, and Fellowship Meal We will be meeting at the regular time (11:15am) & place (the Berkshire) to share conversation, pray and sing together. For this Palm Sunday, we will be looking at Matthew 21. Children’s Environment will be available for kids in kindergarten through 5th grade. After the service, we will share in a light fellowship
Week of March 7
Here’s what SOMA’s up to: WORSHIP GATHERING March 13th: Worship Gathering, Communion, and Potluck Lunch We will be meeting at the regular time (11:15am) & place (the Berkshire) to share conversation, pray and sing together. Kathy Kinzer-Downs will join us to continue in our series talking about “Why we do what we do,” focusing on “Why We Eat Together.” After the service, we will have our monthly potluck lunch so please bring a
Pews for Sale
Well, we are still on track for our April 17th opening date! The church building has been cleared of items that belong to the former congregation. Next up is a bit of remodeling to fit our needs. This includes the removal of pews and raising the floor to be one continuous level. This project will be starting this coming week. If you are interested
Naming the Space
As the anticipated date of opening the community space slowly moves closer, we want to continue to prep for its arrival. One of the important steps in this process is finding a new name for the building – and we want as much input on this process as possible! A few things to keep in mind regarding the name: This community space is multipurpose.
Week of Feb 29
Here’s what SOMA’s up to: WORSHIP GATHERING March 6th: Worship Gathering, Children’s Environment, and Fellowship Meal We will be meeting at the regular time (11:15am) & place (the Berkshire) to share conversation, pray and sing together. We will continue in our series talking about “Why we do what we do,” looking at Mark 1:29-39. Children’s Environment will be available for kids in kindergarten through 5th grade. After the service, we will share in a light